Jun 13, 2022

If you’ve been hoarding your Spaceship Lootboxes and parts, it’s time to put them to good use! Hop on a ride with us and learn more about the latest Spaceship features: Building a Ship, Dismantling Ships, and Scrapping Parts!
Building a Spaceship
Spaceships Recap
What are Spaceships?
Spaceships are your very own travel vehicle that will allow you to transport yourself throughout the various dungeons and the World of Sipheria.
What can you do with them?
As mentioned in Part 2 of the Spaceships Article Series, Spaceships will have multiple in-game uses. See the image below for some of the in-game utilities for Spaceships:
You can read more about these use-cases in Part 2 of the Spaceships Article Series.
Building a Spaceship — Requirements
Now for the big question: How can I get my hands dirty and Build some Spaceships?!
Before we get started, let’s talk about what you need:
- Ather Labs Account. If you have not created yours yet, you can find a guide here.
- Five (5) Parts of the same Spaceship Type [in your Off-Chain Account Inventory]. You need one of each of the following parts: Right Wing, Left Wing, Ship Body, Undercarriage, and Tail. They must be of the same Spaceship Type (i.e. TUNKU, ZED LEP, FLIK FLAK, etc.), but they can each be of a different rarity tier.— If you don’t have the five necessary parts, you can purchase them at the OpenSea Marketplace and bring them off-chain into your account inventory. Alternatively, you can open a Lootbox from your inventory, and use the five parts obtained. If you don’t have any Lootboxes, you can also purchase them from the OpenSea Marketplace and bring them off-chain into your account inventory.
- OPTIONAL: Set up the Polygon Network on your wallet, and possess some $MATIC (for transaction fees). If you need some help, please read our guide here. This is only required if you are attempting to purchase Lootboxes or Spaceship Part NFTs.
- OPTIONAL: Learn about Rarity Score. As described in Part 2 of the Spaceships Article Series, each Spaceship will have its own Rarity Score, which determines the overall Rarity of your Ship. Learn more about Spaceship Rarity Scores here. This should help you make an informed decision prior to building your Spaceship. Note that if you want to change your Spaceship’s parts, you can Dismantle your Ship afterward (more on that later in this article).
How to Build a Spaceship
Step 1 — Log in to the Ather Labs Dashboard
Step 2 — Navigate to the ‘Build Spaceship’ Page
From the Dashboard, navigate to the ‘Spaceship’ page by clicking on the top navigation bar.
Afterward, click on the “Inventory” tab, and then ‘Ship Parts’
Finally, click on the “Action Mode” Button in the bottom-right corner, and select “Build Ship”
Step 3 — Select the Ship type that you want to Build
Now that we’re on the ‘Build Spaceship’ page, you can view the Spaceships available for you to build. These will be under the ‘Ready to Build’ category.
Spaceships shown under the ‘Missing Parts’ category cannot be built with your current arsenal of parts. You can find out which parts you are missing by clicking on those Spaceships.
Example of a Spaceship under ‘Missing Parts’
To Build a Spaceship, select a Ship under the ‘Ready to Build’ category.
For illustration purposes, we’ve selected THE WANDERING ALICE.
Step 4 — Select the Parts you want to use to build your ship
After selecting a Spaceship type that you want to build, you should see the Spaceship Builder.
Click on the parts you want to use to build your ship to select them. The Spaceship Builder at the top of the page will show you what your Spaceship will look like.
Note: You can choose parts of different rarity tiers. Customize it however you like!
Step 5 — Build your Spaceship!
Click on the ‘Build Ship’ button when you’re ready.
You should now see a confirmation page. Click on the ‘Confirm’ button at the bottom to Build your Spaceship.
Step 6 — Congrats! 🎉
Wait for the animation to finish and that’s it, you’ve built your Spaceship!
Dismantle a Spaceship
Quick Recap
What do you mean by “Dismantle”?By dismantling your Spaceship, you will retrieve the five parts that were originally used to build it in the first place.
Why would I dismantle my beautiful Spaceship?We can think of a few reasons why you would want to do dismantle your Spaceship:- You accidentally used a part that you did not intend to use, for building your Spaceship. Whoops.- You built your Spaceship with the parts you had available, but you obtained some parts of a higher rarity afterward, and want those on your ship instead.- You wanted to obtain specific parts but you were only able to acquire them from a Spaceship that was available in the OpenSea Marketplace.
Dismantling a Spaceship — Requirements
Before we get started, let’s talk about what you need:
- Ather Labs Account. If you have not created yours yet, you can find a guide here.
- One Spaceship [in your Off-Chain Account Inventory]. If you don’t have a Spaceship and would want one for dismantling purposes, you can purchase them from the OpenSea Marketplace, and bring them off-chain into your account inventory.
- OPTIONAL: Set up the Polygon Network on your wallet, and possess some $MATIC (for transaction fees). If you need some help, please read our guide here. This is only required if you are attempting to purchase a Spaceship NFT from the OpenSea Marketplace.
How to Dismantle a Spaceship
Step 1 — Log in to the Ather Labs Dashboard
Step 2 — Navigate to the ‘Dismantle Spaceship’ Page
From the Dashboard, navigate to the ‘Spaceship’ page by clicking on the top navigation bar.
Afterward, click on the “Inventory” tab, and then ‘Spaceships’
Finally, click on the “Action Mode” Button in the bottom-right corner, and select “Dismantle Ship”
Step 3 — Select the Spaceship that you want to Dismantle
Now that we’re on the ‘Dismantle Spaceship’ page, you can view the Spaceships in your Account Inventory, which you can dismantle.
Select the Spaceship that you want to dismantle. For illustration purposes, we’ve selected one of our WANDERING ALICEs.
Note: If you have more than one ship with the exact same parts, these Spaceships will stack in your inventory. As such, you can increase the quantity if you want to dismantle more than one from that Spaceship stack.
Step 4 — Dismantle your Spaceship!
Click on the ‘Dismantle’ button when you’re ready.
You should now see a confirmation pop-up. This shows the parts you will receive after the dismantling process has been completed.
Click on the ‘Dismantle’ button at the bottom to Dismantle your Spaceship.
Step 5 — Congrats! 🎉
Wait for the animation to finish and that’s it, you’ve dismantled your Spaceship!
Scrapping Parts
What is this Spaceship Parts “Scrap” System?This system allows you to obtain parts of a higher rarity tier by combining (i.e. ‘scrapping’) parts of a lower rarity tier.
What is the ratio?It is a ratio of 3:1, meaning that you can combine three (3) parts of a lower rarity tier, and you are guaranteed one (1) part of the next higher tier.
For example, you can scrap three (3) uncommon parts into one (1) rare part.
Have a look at the following table for more information:
How does it work?In essence, when you scrap three (3) parts, you are guaranteed to receive one (1) of the next higher rarity tier. However, given that the input consists of three (3) parts, you have three (3) possible outcomes based on the parts you selected for scrapping.
Let’s illustrate this via some example scenarios.
Scenario 1: All three parts are differentLet’s say you have the following parts available for scrapping: an Epic AKAGI Right Wing, an Epic AHAB Body, and an Epic FLIK FLAK Left Wing.
In this scenario, you have three possible outcomes — each with an equal chance (33.3%) of occurring. Since all parts are different, you are guaranteed either a Legendary AKAGI Right Wing, a Legendary AHAB Body, or a Legendary FLIK FLAK Left Wing.
Scenario 2: Two parts are equal and one part is differentLet’s say you have the following parts available for scrapping: two (2) Epic AKAGI Right Wings, and one (1) Epic FLIK FLAK Left Wing.
In this scenario, you have two possible outcomes. Since you have two parts that are equal (AKAGI Right Wings), you are still guaranteed a Legendary part, but you have a higher chance (66.7%) of receiving an AKAGI Right Wing, and a lower chance (33.3%) of receiving a Legendary FLIK FLAK Left Wing.
Scenario 3: All parts are equalLet’s say you have three (3) Epic AKAGI Right Wings available for scrapping.
In this scenario, you only have one possible outcome. Since you have three parts that are equal (AKAGI Right Wings), you are guaranteed to receive a Legendary AKAGI Right Wing.
Scrapping Parts— Requirements
Before we get started, let’s talk about what you need:
- Ather Labs Account. If you have not created yours yet, you can find a guide here.
- Three Spaceship Parts [in your Off-Chain Account Inventory]. If you don’t have Spaceship Parts and want to obtain some for scrapping purposes, you can purchase them at the OpenSea Marketplace and bring them off-chain into your account inventory. Alternatively, you can open a Lootbox from your inventory, and use the five parts obtained. If you don’t have any Lootboxes, you can also purchase them from the OpenSea Marketplace and bring them off-chain into your account inventory.
- OPTIONAL: Set up the Polygon Network on your wallet, and possess some $MATIC (for transaction fees). If you need some help, please read our guide here. This is only required if you are attempting to purchase Spaceship Parts or Lootbox NFTs from the OpenSea Marketplace.
How to Scrap Parts
Step 1 — Log in to the Ather Labs Dashboard
Step 2 — Navigate to the ‘Scrap Parts’ Page
From the Dashboard, navigate to the ‘Spaceship’ page by clicking on the top navigation bar.
Afterward, click on the “Inventory” tab, and then ‘Ship Parts’
Finally, click on the “Action Mode” Button in the bottom-right corner, and select “Scrap”
Step 3 — Select the Spaceship Parts that you want to Scrap
Now that we’re on the ‘Scrap’ page, you can view the Spaceship Parts in your Account Inventory, which you can Scrap. Select three (3) Spaceship Parts, of the same rarity tier, that you want to scrap.
Step 4 — Scrap the Parts!
Click on the ‘Scrap’ button when you’re ready.
You should now see a confirmation pop-up. This shows the parts you will receive after the Scrap process has been completed.
Click on the ‘Confirm’ button at the bottom to Scrap the three parts shown.
Step 5 — Congrats! 🎉
Wait for the animation to finish and that’s it, you’ve completed the Scrap process!
Closing Remarks
The features mentioned within this article will primarily be of use to our most loyal supporters who held Genesis Sipher NFTs (INUs or NEKOs), claimed their Lootboxes, and obtained the parts within; and to those who purchased Lootboxes, Spaceship Parts, or Spaceship NFTs from the OpenSea Marketplace.
Thanks again for all of your support as we continue to build immersive, exciting, and fun gaming experiences.
We hope you enjoy these new features and that they help you get ready for blast-off in the World of Sipheria ❤️.
Spaceship Article Series
Part 1: Spaceships Overview and Mixing Off-chain & On-chain
Part 2: Spaceships: Types, In-Game Utility, and the Effects of Rarity
Part 3: Spaceships: Claiming Loot Boxes, Minting, and Bringing NFTs to Account Inventory (Off-Chain)
Part 4: Spaceships: Opening Loot Boxes, and Minting or Bringing Part NFTs to Account Inventory
Part 5 (You are here): Spaceships: Build or Dismantle Ships, and Scrap Parts!
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