Mar 11, 2022
Our World Architect (CEO), Tin Nguyen, shares yet another Sipher Development Update. “We’ve made progress on many fronts. Time for ‘Cats out of the bag’ 😉”
First, let me introduce our new space for Dev Updates, it will be a separate tab on our Sipher Atlas page. This is where we will keep a log of all the past and future updates, so expect backup articles for past updates which were posted either on Twitter or Discord.
Character Skills & VFX Design
We take our character designs very seriously and the same for their skills in animation and VFX. Not only do we want you, the Players, to feel powerful. We also want you to feel badass. Who doesn’t want to be a badass?
So here are a few WIP sneak peeks of some character skills that our team shared while working on them. Not all of these will make it to the final jury (game), but expect ‘coolness overload’ with the final animation sequence & VFX.
Gameplay is 🤴🏻 (King). Content is 👸🏻 (Queen). We shared a lot about the content we’re working on: lore, world-building, character-building, factions, the gods of Sipheria, etc. This does not mean we are not laser-focused on gameplay. The second-to-second moments are key to our players’ experience.
We want 3Cs to feel amazing. As such, we are constantly play-testing on a daily basis to polish, polish, and polish. We onboarded a Gameplay Project Manager (PM) who worked on Ghost Recon Online & Assassin’s Creed Unity.
We want this to be top-notch before we open it up for non-team play-testers since the first impression is key!
Simple things like recoil, how does it feel to shoot, how different is it to shoot between a handgun, a shotgun, and BFR? And how does it feel to keep shooting? I personally want to feel “shaken, not stirred”
🍸 anyone?
World Building
Sipheria is a massive universe, with infinite possibilities. Hence, we are already working on our 2nd world, Andos. A lot we can’t share as we don’t want to spoil the surprise 🙈🙉🙊
But here’s a behind-the-scenes to show the kind of efforts it takes to world-build
Web3 Products
Tech products supporting our games are important. By end of this month, we’ll be done with the alpha version of our upcoming Sipher Marketplace & Sipher Loyalty System. We’ll be auditing, polishing it, and timing it with the eventual game release.
While we’re working on all of this, we are constantly keeping a close eye on what’s happening with all the Marketplaces and their innovations, learning from the best, and hoping to adapt and improve upon what’s out there to craft the best possible gaming marketplace for Sipher.
I personally think Analytics, Trends, and Dashboards based on Items, Users, and Guild profiles leveraging our gameplay data will be very useful tools indeed. More on this later.
Ever since we launched our NFTs, we always strongly believe in NFTs with true utilities, and our Spaceships will be no different. Learn more about Spaceships and their amazing utilities in the days to come. You’ll be rocketed away — pun intended 😄
So that’s all folks!
There are many more things we are working on, but I would not have the time to go into details now, so expect more updates as per usual. As always, we’re having so much fun (and stress!) building this amazing universe with all of you, so thank you for all the support. LFB!