Dungeons are the core gameplay environments in Sipher Odyssey where players engage in combat, discover story elements, and earn rewards. Each dungeon is carefully structured to provide balanced, engaging experiences for solo players and teams alike.
Dungeon Hierarchy
The game world is organized in a hierarchical structure:
- World: Contains multiple dungeons for players to explore.
- Dungeon: Collection of one or more maps/levels (playlist).
- Map Data (Playlist): Contains one or more maps (either crafted or procedurally generated).
- Map (Level): A collection of one or more connected rooms.
- Room: A modular component used to build a level.
Dungeon Parameters
Every dungeon has configurable parameters that determine its challenge level and gameplay experience:
- Co-op Multiplier: Adjusts difficulty based on party size
- Enemy Weight Total multiplier
- Hit Count modifier
- Map Data List: The collection of maps included in the dungeon
Map Structure
Maps are the foundation of dungeon gameplay and include:
- Interconnected Rooms: Areas connected by pathways where gameplay takes place
- Non-Encounter Props: Environmental elements like breakables (pots, crates) and decorative objects
- Traps & Trap Spawners: Hazards that blend into the environment
- Enemy Spawners: Designated points where enemies appear during encounters
Encounter System
Encounters are played sequentially according to their ID, incrementally progressing from one encounter to the next.
Combat Encounters
The most common encounter type involves battling enemies. Parameters include:
- Encounter ID: Identifies which enemy spawners will be used
- Enemy List: Defines which enemies or enemy groups can appear
- Amount: Number of enemies of each type to spawn
- Chance: Probability of an enemy group being selected
- Spawn Settings:
- Is Spawned Once: Limits a group to spawning only once (useful for bosses)
- Is Spreading: Enables enemies to spawn at random intervals
- Min/Max Spreading Delay: Controls timing between enemy spawns
- Is Concurrent: Allows an encounter to start before previous waves are cleared
- Enemy Weight Total: Controls the maximum enemy presence based on individual weights
- Enemy Level: Can be set manually or determined by dungeon parameters
- Spawn Delay: Time before encounter respawns enemies
- Group Timing: Controls when enemy groups appear
Scaling Systems
Enemy Weight & Spawning
Enemies have assigned weight values reflecting their combat potency. The game uses several spawning algorithms:
- Wave Based: Traditional progression through predetermined enemy groups
- Infinite Wave: Continually spawning enemies based on conditions
- Backfill: Replenishes enemies to maintain a certain presence
- Infinite Backfill: Continuously replenishes enemies indefinitely
Co-Op Scaling
The game adjusts difficulty based on party size using Hit Count modifiers, with separate balancing for player teammates and AI companions.
Dungeon Flow (Updated April 2024)
The latest dungeon flow design connects levels with bridges instead of interrupting gameplay between floors:
- Gate In: Entry point where players enter a level
- Gate Out: Exit point where players leave a level
- Level Connection: Gates connect seamlessly between maps
Special Features
- Checkpoint Levels: Special areas at specific intervals (10, 20, 30) with NPCs offering rewards
- Time-Limited Areas: Some special levels have fixed durations before progression
Dynamic Difficulty System
To help players overcome challenging content:
- Pity Damage Reduction: Reduces enemy damage after repeated failures
- Lose-Streak Activation: Triggers after a set number of failures
- Progressive Assistance: Increases help until the player succeeds
- Dungeon-Specific Settings: Each dungeon has tailored difficulty adjustment parameters
Last Updated: March 4, 2025