Understanding Skill Damage
Every skill in Sipher Odyssey follows specific formulas to calculate damage and effects. This guide will help you understand how your skills deal damage and how you can maximize their effectiveness.
Skill Damage Types
Skills in Sipher Odyssey can deal three main types of damage:
Physical Damage
Basic damage that isn't tied to elemental or status effects.
Elemental Damage
Damage associated with specific elements like fire, water, lightning, etc.
Status Effect Damage
Damage that applies over time through effects like burning, poison, etc.
Direct Damage Boosts
- Pure Damage Boost: Directly adds flat damage to skill (added to Boost Damage)
- Elemental Damage Boost: Increases specific elemental damage by percentage
- Status Effect Boost: Increases status effect damage by percentage
Special Enhancement Effects
- Additional Instances: Some boosts add completely new damage instances (like an extra meteor)
- Damage Type Conversion: Changes the damage type of your skill (e.g., physical to fire)
- Status Effect Application: Adds status effects to your skills (e.g., burning, poison)
Enemy Resistance Impact
Enemy resistances reduce the final damage applied:
Final Damage = Skill Total Damage × (1 - Elemental Resistance) × (1 - Status Effect Resistance)
If an enemy has multiple resistances, each applies only to its specific damage type.
Advanced Skill Mechanics
Summon Skills (Turrets, Holograms)
- Inherit a percentage of your character's base stats
- Follow standard damage formulas based on their attack type
- Can be enhanced by skill-specific boosts
Shield Skills
- Can absorb damage based on percentage or full absorption
- Shield HP determines how much damage can be absorbed
- Some shields release damage when broken (follows skill damage formula)
Tips for Maximizing Skill Damage
- Match Weapons to Skills: Some skills work better with specific weapon types
- Stack Complementary Boosts: Combine boosts that enhance the same damage type
- Consider Enemy Weaknesses: Target enemies with elemental vulnerabilities
- Balance Stats: Strength affects physical skills, while other stats may affect special skills
- Leverage Status Effects: Combining elemental and status effects can multiply damage
Understanding In-Game Indicators
- White Numbers: Physical damage
- Colored Numbers: Elemental damage (color varies by element)
- Floating Numbers: Status effect damage over time
- Critical Hit Indicators: Larger numbers with special effects
Remember, Sipher: Understanding the formula behind your skills will help you build a more powerful vessel!